North American Art Schools

North American Art Schools

North American Art Schools

Bluepine Education's North American Art School Program is a tailor-made art study program for high school students who intend to apply to North American art colleges, providing them with guidance in portfolio preparation and applications.

List of Schools

Evaluation and selection of suitable schools is a very important part of the entire application process. In order to increase the success rate, one must fully understand the specific requirement of each school and choose those that match his own strength.

Key Factors

The most important factor for applying to a famous art school is the student’s artistic and creative level reflected in the submitted portfolio. Students need to start planning at least one to two years in advance to prepare creating the portfolio

Services and Processes

Bluepine Education provides complete study abroad services, including but not limited to planning, portfolio creation guidance, background improvement, English test and application document writing guidance, and student visa processing, etc..